After performing the experiment, the lemon battery and voltaic pile would obviously not charge the iPod as sufficiently as the store bought products. The handmade DIY lemon battery did not give a charge to the iPod classic at all. The voltage was unstable and therefore it did not give a charge. The lemons only charged the iPod nano two out of the three attempts with almost a minute of audio playback. By far, the lemon is the worst sustainable way to charge your iPod. Based on the 450 recharge cycles of iPod batteries and a control of regular usb- wall charging, you would spend and waste over $600,000. The voltaic pile fell short also, finishing right behind it which gave the iPod nano about five minutes of audio playback, but did not give a charge in one attempt. The voltaic pile also charged the iPod Classic for about two minutes, but failed twice. A fun experiment but challenging. To charge you iPod every time for 450 charge cycles from full to dead iPod, it would cost you and you would waste hundreds of thousands of dollar, not really good alternatives to charge you iPod.

The Dynamo hand crank charger charged the iPod as promised, with roughly one minute of cranking for one minute of audio playback. The Hymini wind generator also charged the iPods at roughly one minute of spinning would equal one minute of audio playback. Both iPods had about 25-30 minutes of audio playback in each trial. Although, hand cranking your iPod is tiring and not much people are up for the challenge. The Hymini is a great little thing that can fit into your daily routine by clipping it on to your bike or car and creating electricity on the go, but it’s expensive. The $3 hand crank charger is great for emergencies while the Hymini is great for recharging the device fully. The Hymini also come with a solar panel that you can attach for $20 dollars to boost the charge, but both are for sale at the bargain price of $49.99, the regular price of the Hymini. With the solar panel, the Hymini will charge your iPod nano for over thirteen minutes and your iPod Classic for over seven minutes. The Hymini and Dynamo hand crank were very close in audio playback time. Over inspection, a conclusion was made that they have similar small generators that create electricity when they spin. They were spinning at approximately the same speed also, which could be another reason why the results were similar. You would lose about $48 with investing I the Hymini, but it’s not about the money, it’s about the Environment. With the Dynamo hand crank, you would lose about $2.

The American Made Solar Charger, courtesy of EBay for $15.98 has a built in rechargeable battery like the Hymini. This nano 2nd generation size solar panel charged the iPod nano for over six minutes for only thirty minutes of bathing in the sun. It also charged the iPod Classic for about five minutes.  The usb-wall charger charged the iPod nano for about 240 minutes and the iPod Classic for 50 minutes, which is similar to a ratio of the total time it takes to charge. To charge an iPod nano through usb for its life time, it costs $1.082079 from an energy efficient home in New Jersey who gets there power from a nuclear plant distributed by JCP&L.  From the same house, it costs $1.442772 to charge an iPod Classic throughout its life time. A full charge for an iPod from the solar product would take 2 hours of sunlight. In the case were the Hymini and Hand Crank would take 24 hours. 
